Sunday, February 28, 2010

Interviewing Shannon

I’m pleased to have been able to spend some time with both humans and werewolves directly affected by Silver Kiss. It’s not just the kids using it, or the parents dealing with the fallout – anyone can be drawn into the seedy underworld of drug dealing and drug abuse. Shannon Ryan is a human private investigator whose most recent case involved this dangerous drug.

Peter: Shannon, hi. Can you tell us a bit about your case and experiences with Silver Kiss?

Shannon: Well, obviously I can’t go into too many details concerning the case – client confidentiality. But I can say I’ve seen up close and personal the effect that Silver Kiss has on werewolves, when cut with wolfsbane. It’s shocking how quickly it changes their personalities, and how quickly they can become addicted.

Peter: Without naming names, can you give us an example of that?

Shannon: I recently interviewed a young girl who confessed to using Silver Kiss and becoming so addicted she ran away from home to follow her dealer. She was so terribly addicted that she was prepared to do anything – including putting herself in physical danger for her next fix. Her story shook me, I admit. I had no idea how desperate these kids could get.

Peter: I understand your partner is a werewolf. Are you concerned for her safety?

Shannon: My partner isn’t a user and never will be. I am concerned about the impact the Silver Kiss problem will have on the werewolves’ relationships with us humans. If we start seeing werewolves as dangerous animals again, it’s a huge step backwards, and a potentially dangerous one for both sides.

Peter: Based on your experiences then, what do you think the solution is?

Shannon: We need to get this crap off the streets. Make Silver Kiss illegal so addicts don’t have such an easy time getting hold of it. Obviously you have to be realistic – you can never completely eradicate any drug. No matter how many laws and penalties you slap down, people will find it if they want it badly enough. But we can help protect the werewolves – we can get the government to crack down on the dealers and make examples of them.

Peter: Anything you’d like to say in closing, Shannon?

Shannon: Just that this isn’t just a werewolf problem, or just a human problem. This is society’s problem, and we all need to pay attention to it.

Peter: Shannon Ryan, thank you for your time.

Peter A Wu
Campaign Manager
Save the Werewolves Campaign

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