Sunday, February 28, 2010

Interviewing Shannon

I’m pleased to have been able to spend some time with both humans and werewolves directly affected by Silver Kiss. It’s not just the kids using it, or the parents dealing with the fallout – anyone can be drawn into the seedy underworld of drug dealing and drug abuse. Shannon Ryan is a human private investigator whose most recent case involved this dangerous drug.

Peter: Shannon, hi. Can you tell us a bit about your case and experiences with Silver Kiss?

Shannon: Well, obviously I can’t go into too many details concerning the case – client confidentiality. But I can say I’ve seen up close and personal the effect that Silver Kiss has on werewolves, when cut with wolfsbane. It’s shocking how quickly it changes their personalities, and how quickly they can become addicted.

Peter: Without naming names, can you give us an example of that?

Shannon: I recently interviewed a young girl who confessed to using Silver Kiss and becoming so addicted she ran away from home to follow her dealer. She was so terribly addicted that she was prepared to do anything – including putting herself in physical danger for her next fix. Her story shook me, I admit. I had no idea how desperate these kids could get.

Peter: I understand your partner is a werewolf. Are you concerned for her safety?

Shannon: My partner isn’t a user and never will be. I am concerned about the impact the Silver Kiss problem will have on the werewolves’ relationships with us humans. If we start seeing werewolves as dangerous animals again, it’s a huge step backwards, and a potentially dangerous one for both sides.

Peter: Based on your experiences then, what do you think the solution is?

Shannon: We need to get this crap off the streets. Make Silver Kiss illegal so addicts don’t have such an easy time getting hold of it. Obviously you have to be realistic – you can never completely eradicate any drug. No matter how many laws and penalties you slap down, people will find it if they want it badly enough. But we can help protect the werewolves – we can get the government to crack down on the dealers and make examples of them.

Peter: Anything you’d like to say in closing, Shannon?

Shannon: Just that this isn’t just a werewolf problem, or just a human problem. This is society’s problem, and we all need to pay attention to it.

Peter: Shannon Ryan, thank you for your time.

Peter A Wu
Campaign Manager
Save the Werewolves Campaign

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Saving Werewolves :: A step Forward

It looks like someone is finally taking the Silver Kiss problem seriously – this letter was circulated to parents by a local school:

Dear Parent,

We know that many of you are concerned about use of the herbal cigarette “Silver Kiss” amongst your children. We would like to take the time to address these concerns and reassure you that, as always, we have the best interests of our students and their families at heart.

First of all, we would like remind you that our school has a firm no-smoking policy. Smoking of any kind is not permitted anywhere on school property, and any student caught smoking will be suspended for one week. This applies to Silver Kiss as much as it does tobacco, cannabis, or any other substance. Any student found in possession of any of these substances will be given detention or suspension, as the situation warrants.

Secondly, at this time Silver Kiss is not illegal and can be sold to over-sixteens. However, it is known in some cases to be cut with other substances that can be harmful and addictive to werewolves. We strongly urge you to make your children aware of the dangers of buying and using Silver Kiss. To this end, we have listed some of the signs that your child may be using tainted Silver Kiss:

1. Violent mood swings.
2. Secretive behaviour
3. Physical sickness, including vomiting
4. Migraines
5. Loss of appetite

If you suspect your child is using Silver Kiss, we recommend you contact your GP for further advice.

Yours sincerely,


Obviously this letter is a great step forward in highlighting the very real threat of Silver Kiss, but we still need to do more! Every day, young werewolves are being harmed by this dangerous substance. Every day we’re hearing more and more stories of the side effects and long-term damage associated with Silver Kiss. We need more than just letters if we’re going to protect the werewolves we live alongside. And that’s why signing the Save The Werewolves petition is so vitally important!

Peter A Wu
Campaign Manager
Save the Werewolves Campaign

Wear a Badge for the Weres!

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Silver Kiss – The Dangers

If you ask most people, I’m sure they won’t be able to tell you much about the side affects of smoking Silver Kiss. Sold in the shops, it is after all a harmless herbal cigarette with nothing more dangerous in it than rosehips and menthol. Sold on the streets, however, it’s a different story.

Did you know that Silver Kiss is cut with monkshood, also known as wolfsbane? This is a poisonous plant that can cause hallucinations and seizures. Can you imagine a werewolf under the influence of this addictive drug? An adolescent werewolf is already strong enough to kill an adult human with a single blow. Luckily for us, we can trust our werewolf neighbours to control themselves, right?

Maybe not...not if they’re smoking Silver Kiss. Maybe the effects of the monkshood on the werewolf body and mind will cause them to lose that precious control. Do you want to risk that? Do the wolves want to risk that? Of course not! We’ve come so far in our relationship with our wolf cousins since the beginning of the twentieth century. We’ve established a mutually beneficial society in which both humans and wolves live freely and peacefully. Silver Kiss threatens to undo all that.

Monkshood is also known to cause memory loss and depression, and can even be fatally poisonous in large doses. We know from speaking to the children who use this deadly drug that Silver Kiss makes them bad-tempered and irritable, even violent. Do you want this drug in your schools, on your streets, knowing it makes wolves so dangerous? Do you want to put your family at risk by allowing Silver Kiss to be sold legally? Do you want a return to the dark days of 1922, when werewolves were often shot on sight?

Of course not! We must act now to ban Silver Kiss before the unthinkable happens and people start getting hurt. Sign the petition and Save The Werewolves.

Peter A Wu
Campaign Manager
Save the Werewolves Campaign

Wear a Badge for the Weres!

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Testimony :: Wolves on Drugs

Silver Kiss – Testimony

It seems like people still aren’t taking the Silver Kiss problem seriously. The government refuse to accept that it’s dangerous and the public by and large are ignoring the issue altogether. This is just not good enough! I’ve spoken to people who’ve used Silver Kiss, or live with users, and I know exactly how dangerous it is! One of the people I spoke to, Amy*, is a werewolf who was brave enough to let me share her experiences with you all. Until recently, fifteen-year-old Amy was a regular user of Silver Kiss. Amy says:

I only started smoking Silky because my human friends were doing it, and I wanted to fit in with them. I think it was just the normal kind at first – we were getting my friend’s brother to buy it for us from the shops. But then I started getting it from my cousin, and that was the stuff with monkshood in it, and I really liked it. It just made me feel all energetic and lively at first. Then I started to get tired all the time, and lose my appetite. I was throwing up any time I ate anything, so I lost loads of weight and my mum thought I was anorexic. After a couple of weeks I was getting really moody and snappy if I didn’t have three or four Silkies a day. Then I needed more than that to make me feel awake enough just to get through school, like a whole pack, maybe even two. I couldn’t afford to pay for it all the time, so I started stealing it from my cousin when I was at his house.

I thought it was okay – it’s just herbs, so I didn’t think it could really hurt me. But then my cousin disappeared and I had nobody to buy proper Silky from, and I just sort of went a bit mad. I had a massive fight with my mum, and I smashed up my bedroom. I punched out the window and had to get stitches all up my arms. Then I had a fight with another wolf at school when he wouldn’t give me any of his Silky, and we both ended up in hospital. I don’t remember much about it, but the doctors say I nearly lost my eye. That’s when I told my parents what was happening.

Fortunately for Amy, with her parents’ support, she was able to get off Silver Kiss relatively easily. For others, it’s a different story. You may have read the newspaper stories about young wolves going missing across the country recently. Although nobody’s saying it, we all know that Silver Kiss is the common link. These wolves were all addicts, like Amy’s cousin. And now, like Amy’s cousin, they’re missing. It’s clear what’s happening: wolves forced into theft and debt to supply their habit are falling foul of drug dealers and each other in their obsession with Silver Kiss.

When is the government going to wake up and realise what’s going on right under our noses? How many wolves like Amy must there be before they take action? How many wolves must go missing to get their attention?

Sign this petition to classify Silver Kiss as a dangerous, addictive drug and we’ll present it to the world at an open forum 1st March 2010. If we don’t act now, who will?

*Name changed to protect identity

Peter A Wu
Campaign Manager
Save the Werewolves Campaign

Wear a Badge for the Weres!

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